Squeeze; strain; stress; burden. No matter which word you choose, company boards everywhere are undoubtedly feeling pressure. Issues of increasing complexity stack up like books in a Victorian library, while public scrutiny, amplified by the unblinking eyes of social media, is merciless.
Luckily, our CEO Helle Bank Jorgensen, is here to help. Her latest article for Real Leaders looks at the heat directors are facing in the board kitchen and offers three solutions to drop the mercury:
- Build trust by thinking like an activist
- Implement better scenario planning – now
- Get trustworthy data
On how to deal with the ever increasing number of vocal activists, Helle offers this advice: “If you as a board can actively listen to those eager to use their time to give you advice, although in a different format than consultants would, you have been given a gift of invaluable insight,” she says. “Agree to disagree. Explain why you do ABC. But don’t just put your heads in the sand and ignore these people.”
Read Corporate Boards are Facing Unprecedented Pressure. Here are My Top 3 Solutions in full.
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